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How To Choose The Right Needle Cartridges, Needle Length and Speed For Your Dr.Pen?

how to choose Needle cartridges for dr.pen

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Microneedling has gained immense popularity as an effective skincare treatment, offering benefits such as improved skin texture, reduced scars, and diminished fine lines. However, with the popularity of microneedling devices like the Dr. Pen, many users find themselves stuck at the first step: how to choose the right needle cartridges? The speed? And the needle length?

Choosing the right ones can be particularly challenging. The decision isn’t just about picking a random cartridge—it’s about selecting the one that best suits your unique skincare needs, skin type, and level of experience with microneedling. The wrong choices can lead to suboptimal results or even skin irritation, making it crucial to understand how to tailor the microneedling process to your individual needs.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential factors to consider when selecting the right needle cartridge, speed, and needle length for your Dr. Pen microneedling device. By the end, you’ll know how to create a customized microneedling experience that maximizes the benefits for your skin.

How to Choose The Right Needle Cartridges?

Most Dr.pen electric microneedling pens have different needle cartridges, such as 9-pin, 12-pin, 18-pin, 24-pin, 36-pin, 42-pin, and nano needles. So what skin problems do these needles mainly target? Will it hurt to use them? Let’s take a look at the table below.





Nano Needles


Lower Pin Count

Middle Pin Count

Higher Pin Count

Nano Needles

Best For

Deeper penetration

Targeting specific small areas

Large surface areas, overall skin rejuvenation

Superficial treatments without deep penetration

Skin Concerns

acne scars, deep wrinkles, stretch marks, etc.

moderate scars, isolated areas of hyperpigmentati-on, etc.

fine lines, mild scars/texture issues, or large pores, etc.

fine lines, improve product absorption, etc.


Use carefully to avoid irritation

Offers targeted treatment, ideal for specific areas

most commonly used, a balance of efficacy and comfort

focuses on skin’s surface, enhances overall skin texture

From the table above, we can see that the more serious the skin problem is, the more we need to use a needle cartridge with fewer needles. The milder the skin problem is, the more we need to use a needle cartridge with more needles. Why?

This involves the knowledge of pressure in physics. Under the same pressure, the larger the contact area, the smaller the pressure, and vice versa. When we use 36 or 42 needles, the number of needles is large, and the needles have more contact points with the skin. Then the pressure on each needle will be dispersed, the depth of the needle penetrating the skin will be shorter, and the stimulation to the skin will be less, so needle cartridges with more needles are used to solve minor skin problems.

Consider Your Skincare Needs & Experience

When selecting a needle cartridge for your Dr. Pen device, it’s essential to align your choice with your specific skincare needs, skin type, and experience level with microneedling. Each of these factors plays a crucial role in determining which cartridge will provide the best results and ensure a safe, effective treatment.

Assessing Your Skincare Needs

The first step in choosing the right needle cartridge is to identify your skincare goals. Different cartridges are designed to address various skin concerns, so understanding what you want to achieve will guide your selection. Here we briefly talk about what needle cartridges should be used when encountering common skin problems.

Common skincare concerns

      Acne Scars and Deep Wrinkles:

We suggest you use 9 pins or 12 pins. With fewer pins, these cartridges provide deeper penetration, making them effective for breaking down scar tissue and promoting skin regeneration.

      General Skin Rejuvenation:

We suggest you use 12 pin or 24 pins, they offer a versatile option for improving overall skin health, enhancing texture and providing a moderate level of treatment suitable for most skin types.

      Skin Texture and Large Pores:

We suggest you use 24 pins, 36 pins or 42 pins. These cartridges cover a larger surface area and help to refine skin texture, reduce pore size, and promote even skin tone.

      Fine Lines & Wrinkles:

We suggest you use 36 pins, and 42 pins. These cartridges offer a balance between penetration depth and coverage, stimulating collagen production to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.

      Product Absorption & Surface Treatment:

We suggest you use Nano Needles (Square, Round, 3D or 5D). These cartridges are perfect for superficial treatments, creating micro-channels that increase the absorption of skincare proucts without penetrating deeply into the skin.

Considering Your Skin Type

Your skin type is another important factor to consider when selecting a needle cartridge. Different skin types react differently to microneedling, and choosing the wrong cartridge can lead to irritation or inadequate results.

      Sensitive Skin:

We recommend you use 36 pin, 42 pin, or nano needles cartridges. Higher pin count cartridges distribute the pressure more evenly, reducing the risk of irritation. Nano needles are particularly gentle, making them ideal for sensitive skin. In addition, these cartridges are also suitable for dry skin.

       Normal Skin:

We recommend you use 12-pin, 24-pin, or 36-pin cartridges. Normal skin can typically handle a wider range of treatments, they offer a good balance between effectiveness and comfort.

       Oily or Acne-Prone Skin:

We recommend you use 9-pin, 12-pin, or 24-pin cartridges. These cartridges can penetrate more deeply to help manage oil production, clear clogged pores, and reduce acne scars without overly irritating the skin.

Consider your skin types

Evaluating Your Microneedling Experience

Your level of experience with microneedling also influences which needle cartridge you should use. Beginners should start with cartridges that are less intense, while more experienced users can explore more advanced options.

For beginners, we suggest you use 36 pin, 42 pin, or nano needles cartridges, they provide a gentler treatment, allowing you to become accustomed to the sensation and technique of microneedling without causing excessive irritation. As you gain confidence and experience, you can transition to cartridges that offer deeper penetration and more significant results, like 18-pin or 24-pin cartridges. Experienced users can use cartridges with fewer needles of 9 pin or 12 pin, to target specific areas or problems for deeper penetration, achieving more dramatic results.

By carefully considering your skincare needs, skin type, and microneedling experience, you can select the needle cartridge that will best help you achieve your desired outcomes. This thoughtful approach ensures that your microneedling sessions are not only effective but also safe and tailored to your unique skin profile.

Needle Length Settings When Using

Choosing the right needle length for your microneedling session is just as crucial as selecting the correct needle cartridge. Needle length determines how deeply the needles penetrate the skin, which in turn affects the treatment’s effectiveness and the type of results you can expect. Adjusting the needle length appropriately based on your skin concerns, treatment area, and comfort level is key to achieving optimal results while minimizing any potential risks.

Understanding The Needle Length

Microneedling devices like the Dr. Pen allow you to adjust the needle length to suit different treatment needs. The needle length typically ranges from 0.25mm to 2.5mm, with each length serving a specific purpose. Let’s look at the table below: 







Superificial Treatment

Moderate Treatment

More Intensive Treatment

Advanced Treatment

Best For

Improving skin texture, boosting absorption

Collagen production  stimulated

Significant collagen production & skin regeneration

severe skin issues, extensive skin damage


on epidermis

reaching dermal layer

on/ in dermis

deeper into dermis

Skin Concerns

eye area, fine lines, skin texture, etc.

enlarged pores, mild acne scars, early signs of aging, etc.

deep wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, etc.

deep scars, deep wrinkles, or stretch marks on thicker skin areas


For beginners starting with microneedling

experienced users

 ideal for experienced users

by professionals or very experienced users

From the table above, you can see which layer of skin tissue can be penetrated by needle cartridges of different needle lengths and what skin problems can be solved. Knowing this, you will have a clear idea.

Needle Length Adjustment Based On Treatment Area

Different areas of the face and body have varying skin thicknesses, and the needle length should be adjusted accordingly:


      General Face: 0.5~1.0mm

      Forehead & Around Eyes: 0.25~0.5mm

      Cheeks & Chin: 0.5~1.0mm 


       Neck: 0.5~1.0mm

       Stretch Marks: 1.5~2.0mm

       Hands & Arms: 0.5~1.0mm

       Belly & Thighs: 0.75~1.5mm (Be careful to avoid sensitive parts)

       Back: 1.0~1.5mm

       Feet: 0.75~1.25mm (Be careful to avoid sensitive parts such as toes)

While longer needles can yield more dramatic results, they can also cause more discomfort and require a longer recovery period. It’s important to start with shorter needle lengths if you’re new to microneedling or if you have sensitive skin, gradually working your way up as you become more accustomed to the treatment.

Needle length and speed settings for h3

Speed Settings When Using

The speed setting on your Dr. Pen microneedling device is another critical factor that can significantly impact the effectiveness and comfort of your treatment. Just like needle length, the speed at which the needles move in and out of the skin can be adjusted to suit your specific needs, skin type, and treatment goals.

Understanding Speed Settings

Microneedling devices like the Dr. Pen allow you to adjust the needle length to suit different treatment needs. The needle length typically ranges from 0.25mm to 2.5mm, with each length serving a specific purpose. Let’s look at the table below: 


Low Speed

Medium Speed

High Speed


1-2 Level

3-4 Level

5-6 Level

Best For

For beginners, sensitive or delicate areas (around eyes)

General skin rejuvenation, for normal or mixed skin

Creat microchannels deep enough to promote healing and collagen production.

Skin Concerns

texture issues, large pores etc.

fine lines, mild scars, or uneven texture, suitable for most skin concerns

 deeper scars, stretch marks, targeting deep skin layers penetration, or for thicker skin, etc.

Cartridge Choice

36-42 pin

12-24 pin

9-12 pin


Less likely to cause irritation, a comfortable experience

A good balance between effectiveness and comfort

Advanced users only, use cautiously, more risk of irritation and discomfort 

It’s essential to balance the speed setting with your comfort level, particularly if you’re new to microneedling. Higher speeds can lead to more discomfort and a higher risk of skin irritation, especially if the needle length is also set to a longer length. Beginners and those with sensitive skin should start with lower speeds, gradually increasing as they become more comfortable with the process.

Below we take Dr.Pen’s M8S as an example, you can experience 6 different speeds:

Speed Adjustment for Different Areas

Different areas of your face and body have varying levels of skin sensitivity, and the speed setting should be adjusted accordingly:

      Forehead & Cheeks: Medium to High speed

      Around the Eyes & Mouth: Low to Medium speed (Be careful and start from Low Speed)

      Cheeks & Neck: Medium Speed 

      Belly for Stretch Marks: High Speed

      Back, Legs & Large areas: Medium to High Speed

As you gain more experience with microneedling, you can experiment with higher speed settings to enhance the effectiveness of your treatments. However, always monitor your skin’s response and adjust the speed as needed to ensure a safe and comfortable treatment.

By carefully adjusting the speed based on your specific needs, skin type, and experience level, you can optimize your microneedling sessions, ensuring that they are both effective and comfortable.

Combining Factors For A Customized Microneedling Experience

Achieving the best results from microneedling involves more than just selecting the right needle cartridge, length, and speed—it’s about understanding how these factors interact and customizing your treatment to suit your unique skin needs. By combining these elements thoughtfully, you can create a microneedling experience that is not only effective but also tailored to your skin’s specific requirements. Below, we explore how to integrate these factors for a personalized treatment and provide examples to illustrate different approaches.

Example 1: Treating Fine Lines and Improving Texture

                 Needle Cartridge: 36-pin cartridge.

                 Needle Length: 0.5mm.

                Speed Setting: Medium.

A 36-pin cartridge ensures wide coverage with less intensity, perfect for addressing fine lines across the face. The 0.5mm needle length penetrates enough to stimulate collagen without being too aggressive, while a medium speed setting balances effectiveness with comfort.

Example 2: Addressing Acne Scars & Hyperpigmentation

                 Needle Cartridge: 12-pin cartridge.

                 Needle Length: 1.0mm.

                 Speed Setting: Medium to High.

The 12-pin cartridge provides deeper penetration, making it ideal for targeting acne scars and hyperpigmentation. A 1.0mm needle length reaches the dermis where scars and pigmentation form, promoting skin regeneration. A medium to high speed ensures thorough treatment while still being manageable.

Example 3: Rejuvenating and Brightening Dull Skin

                 Needle Cartridge: 24-pin cartridge

                 Needle Length: 0.25mm

                 Speed Setting: Medium

The 24-pin cartridge offers a balance between coverage and depth, suitable for general skin rejuvenation. A 0.25mm needle length is gentle enough for frequent treatments focused on brightening and enhancing skin radiance, while a medium speed helps to achieve consistent results.

Microneedling is a progressive treatment, and your skin’s needs may change over time. Regularly assess your skin’s response to treatments and be prepared to adjust needle length, speed, or cartridge type as needed. For instance, as acne scars begin to fade, you may switch to a higher pin count and shorter needle length to focus on texture and tone rather than deep scars.

Customization is the key to effective microneedling. By thoughtfully combining needle cartridges, lengths, and speed settings, you can tailor each session to meet your unique skin concerns and treatment goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, understanding how to harmonize these factors will empower you to achieve the best possible results, ensuring that your microneedling experience is as beneficial as it is personalized.

Customized microneedling experience


Microneedling with a device like the Dr. Pen offers a powerful way to rejuvenate your skin, address specific concerns, and enhance your overall complexion. However, the key to achieving optimal results lies in understanding and customizing your treatment based on your unique skin needs. By carefully selecting the appropriate needle cartridge, adjusting the needle length, and fine-tuning the speed settings, you can create a personalized microneedling experience that effectively targets your skincare goals.

Remember, microneedling is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. Your skin type, sensitivity, and the specific issues you want to address should guide your choices. Whether you’re aiming to smooth fine lines, reduce acne scars, or simply improve your skin’s texture and tone, the right combination of factors will help you achieve noticeable and lasting results.

As you continue your microneedling journey, take the time to monitor your skin’s response and adjust your approach as needed. With the right techniques and thoughtful customization, microneedling can become a powerful tool in your skincare routine, helping you unlock healthier, more radiant skin over time.


Through the introduction of this article, I believe you have a certain understanding of the needle cartridges, the needle length settings, and the speed settings. Choosing suitable needle cartridges for your dr. pen devices is worth your time and effort. We offer a wide range of original and top-tier dr. pen needle cartridges. Our wholesale services provide these cartridges at a minimum order quantity (MOQ) of 100 pieces each, all at favorable prices. Whether you’re a skincare professional or a retailer, we welcome your inquiries and look forward to helping you meet your business needs.

ROSEORCHID provides wholesale and customization of professional microneedle products for your business. You can purchase all types of microneedling products here, including: derma roller, derma stamp, derma pen, bio needle, bio roller, hydra needle, etc.

You can choose different needle numbers, needle lengths, materials, uses, colors, logos, packaging and set combinations according to your business. You can also let us help develop products that are right for you.

Contact us now to learn more about our products and services, and let us start a successful cooperation journey together!

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